Without Taking Any Risks, Worry about Quality Problems, Or Time Waste By Yourself.
Many so-called “reasonable price” and “nice brands” roam the building material industry. Today, most of these people are all bark, no bite. All waffles, no syrup. Cause suppliers lie, but numbers don’t. And we’ve made 10.78 million massively profit for our clients in different projects.
Dear custom home builder,
We get it.
Growing a business is hard. Really hard.
You’re probably sick and worried about these expensive building materials
Because of that, you are getting a fragile profit margin.
Stressed and sleeping like a teething two-year-old
As your hair goes fifty- shades -of – gray from all the uncertainty
And to top it all off
You’re being pulled in a bazillion and one direction.
Ohmygawd !
How can I cut down my building material cost?
Like Mgp10, LVL, windows, Joinery, aluminum cladding…etc.
How can I get a higher profit margin, and also be more competitive in the market?
Should I get more material suppliers? Asking for thousands of quotes for comparison?
Taking the time to negotiate the price with each of my suppliers?
Ask them to give me a better price?
Actually… should I just charge a higher price from projects?
Like 2 times more than normal?
Yep ! That’s it !
That’s just what I need to do to face these high building material costs…
*somebody please pull out my eyelashes*
Look, most custom home builders have a bad case of shiny object syndrome,
and a sprinkle of “I can do everything”.
And they end up with high building cost, very low profit margins,
not competitive in their market at all…
Soon, they’re tearing out their hair with all the
things they “ have to” do.
We call this shit show, a” rats nest”.
Also known as hell.
It’s hot and muggy there.
And we ‘d rather rub scorpion chilies in our eyes
than operate a business that way
But this isn’t about us….it’s about you.
You’re reading this right now because, in some
way shape or form, your business isn’t where you want it to be.
Even though you put in a backbreaking amount of effort…
Pushing, shoving, scratching, clawing, and
hustling your face off to get here.
Or maybe you’re flying..and you simply want more.
More cost saving.
More security.
More money.
More freedom.
More memories
More time with your family
More legroom
More business-class flights with your spouse to
places that result in more sand between your toes.
Whatever it is for you..
We’ve got good news for you…
Cause soon you’ll be feeling like “hey, i got this.”
You’ll be waking up every morning to walk in your construction site,
And confidently know you have saved over 1/3 of building material cost
for the same materials that you have been using..
You’ll be consistently and predictably getting far more profit margin
and to be much more competitive in your market at the same time.
Regardless of what’s going on with the economy.
And you won’t have to spend your weekends
Worrying about the building material cost anymore.
Everything will be detailed and running smoothly.
You’ll be in control, and a sense of calm will wash
Over you.
And it all starts by “choosing your own adventure” below..
Finally !…The Quickest & Easiest Way For You To Decrease Your Building Material Cost Over 1/3 While Without Taking Any Risk By Yourself
Are you sick of the expensive building materials prices are still rising and making it hard to control the building budget?
Are you tired of asking and waiting for different material suppliers’ quotations and comparing to see which one can be more competitive?
And Are you looking for ways to achieve higher profit margins and lower construction costs?
At HX Builder Import, we help Australian builders to achieve their desired outcomes in a completely new & safe way.
Over the past years, we’ve shown hundreds of builders how to quickly achieve higher profit margins while reducing construction costs by more than 1/3 without taking any risk on their own. We’ve saved millions of dollars for our builder clients, and we can do the same for you, too, without question.

Follow Our Blueprint To Success & You’ll Avoid Paying Current Expensive Building Material Costs!
Reducing over 1/3 of building material cost in a guaranteed safe way can be much easier than you think.
Many people need to learn the correct steps, making them take far longer than needed. We’ve done all the hard work for you, so all you need to do is follow our step-by-step blueprint, and you’ll achieve a much higher profit margin in your construction time frame.
You won’t just save time, either. When you follow our advice closely, you also significantly improve your market competitiveness than you would ever be able to achieve on your own.
Talk to us, it's time Now !

Finished Project: 453 Burke Road, Glen Iris, VIC
Finished Project: 6/30 Lowrie Street, Dickson ACT 2602
Here’s A Brief Outline Of What We’ll Cover In Your FREE 30-Minute Consultation…
- WARNING: You Could Be At Serious Risk Of Using Far More Expensive Building Materials and Losing Huge Proft Margin, But You Don’t Know
Are you getting most of your building materials from your local retailers? Like windows, stairs, journeys..others). Bad idea! We’ll show you why this is a HUGE mistake and how it leaves you open to budget risk, lower profit margin, and high building cost.
- The Proven Import Strategies We’ve Used To Help Our Builder Clients Cut Down Nearly Over 1/3 of Building Material Cost
We’ll reveal the bulletproof strategies we’ve used to reduce building material cost over 1/3 for ourselves and our clients consistently for the past years
- The Devastating Mistakes Made By Virtually All House Builders
Nearly every builder looking to reduce building cost makes these common yet fatal mistakes – find out what they are so you can avoid them!
- 1 Simple Tips To Cut Down Your Building Materials Cost Nearly Over 1/3 In Your Construction Time Frame
The strategy can help you to increase your profit margin YEARS faster than you ever thought possible.
- The Old Myths & Downright Lies Told By The Building Materials Industry
Many people still believe these old wives’ tales and dirty lies told by the Building Material industry – find out what they are so you can protect yourself.
95% Of Builders Will Never Cut Down Their Building Material Cost & Make Far Higher Profit Without The Right Help
Sadly, 95% of House Builders will never safely reach their goal of reducing the building material cost. It’s not their fault. They need to find the right way to reduce the cost of building materials. It doesn’t have to be this way for you, though.
We can show you precisely what we did for our builder clients to achieve the building material cost reduction of nearly over 1/3 and how our builder clients achieved much higher profit margins than before without taking any risk by themselves, using the same strategies.
Reserve your consultation today to see how you can achieve a similar result. Do it much faster than you ever thought possible.

Save Yourself Years Of Costly Trial & Error By Using Our Blueprint To Cut Down Your Building Materials Cost Without Taking Any Risk By Yourself
Why waste years struggling along, trying to figure things out for yourself?
You can save this time and get a much better result when you contact our expert advice and use our blueprint to cut down your building material cost in a guaranteed safe way and enjoy a much higher profit margin without taking any risk yourself. It’s like a shortcut that guarantees building cost reduction without taking any risk yourself, a much higher profit margin, and great competitiveness.
Are you ready to decrease your building material cost by over 1/3 without taking any risk yourself in the shortest time possible? What usually takes more profit margin without years of hard work? Then claim your free consultation while you still can.

Our Rock-Solid 100% Guarantee
Our proven import solutions are guaranteed to help you to safely achieve a cost-effective result compared with the general market cost for the same fine-quality building materials and make you more profit than before.
Or we work for free & return every cent extra you spend on us – No questions asked.
More Finished Project Reference !
G12, 8 James St Windsor VIC 3181
Quay 2 Land
Red Hill Terrace Doncaster East, VIC
12A-14 Spring Road,Malvern VIC 3144
17 Arnold St, Box Hill VIC 3128
3 Byron Ave, Sydney
Claim Your FREE No-Obligation
30 Minute Consultation
– Valued At $42850
During this no-obligation call, our experts will discuss your specific situation and how we can help you to achieve the most cost-effective outcome for building materials in your time frame.
Here’s what you’ll discover in your FREE consultation…
- How to achieve the most cost-effective outcomes for your building materials, even can be over 1/3 in your required time frame, without taking any risk by yourself
- The exact process we’ve used to take hundreds of clients from high building material cost to much lower building material cost under our safe management
- The most prominent problem people come to us with which cause them high building cost and low-profit margin
This call is ONLY for people serious about cutting down the building material cost and looking for a much higher profit margin, and places are strictly limited.
Enter your details below now to avoid disappointment and secure your consultation.

ABN: 45651035853
Providing the most cost-effective building materials import solution for Australian builders and significantly increasing profit by 33% -52% through our proven roadmap
Without taking any quality risk, common frustration or time waste by themselves
U 11 102 O’Connell St, North Parramatta NSW 2151
Working Day: Monday – Friday
22A Jianhe Central, Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China
Working Day: Monday – Friday
8Am – 5 Pm (China Time)
Phone: +86 18676067220